Our industry is advancing. New technologies, new construction requirements and new demands for environmentally friendly building are driving our industry to be better, more efficient and increasingly agile. The result is a growing need for a talented, motivated, and committed workforce.
WSCC is committed to supporting our industry by providing quality educational and training opportunities at our eight education centers. WSCC’s affiliated apprenticeship programs provide the opportunity to build an exceptional and fulfilling professional career in our industry. Our students earn excellent salaries while learning and practicing construction or service under the leadership of highly motivated construction professionals and mentors.
After graduating from one of the eight education centers, WSCC students will be able to continue their professional growth and development. After graduation, each campus provides extensive journeyman continuing education courses for all alumni. Graduates can take additional specialty courses to expand their career options including Building Information Modeling, Foreman Certification for field leadership, Advanced Welding, and much more. All classes are taught by our highly skilled, trained, and dedicated industry professionals. We are proud of our WSCC team and the partnership we have with our industry professionals. We look forward to working with you as you chart a successful and fulfilling career in our industry.
The vision of WSCC is to provide the opportunity for each member of our community to build and sustain an exceptional career while making a positive difference in our community and our country.